Some terrifying statistics about Roma in Europe (A Thread)
80% of Roma in Europe are at risk of poverty. 90% of Roma children live in poverty.
Roma are the largest ethnic group inside of Romania. At least 90% live on or below the poverty line.
Only 1 in 5 Roma go to school inside of Romania due to financial limits. Roma children often can’t go to school due to malnutrition, a lack of money for supplies, and dirty clothes
The majority of Roma do not have drinking water or heating systems. Half of Roma live off 3.3 euros per day (in Romania).
80% of the children that live on the streets of large Romanian Cities (such as Bucharest) are Roma.
56% of Roma women have faced sexual violence in North Macedonia.
71 percent of Romani women, at some time in their lives, experienced psychological, physical, or sexual abuse at the hands of an intimate partner (Macedonia)
62% of Roma women are unemployed in Albania. 58% in Macedonia. Roma women often don’t receive a high education.
86% of Italians hate Roma. 60% of French people.
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