I have reorganized my Intro to PA class to have a social justice focus. I will continue to use the same text (Public Administration), but I have added readings which show the complex structural inequalities within our field. Below are the readings. Happy for ideas, suggestions.
What is PA: @CullenMerritt & @JamesEWrightII new article in @PAReview: Social Equity and COVID‐19: The Case of African Americans. Show how social equity and structural inequality impacts a pandemic. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/puar.13251?casa_token=YstscfldP_UAAAAA:fkKhapJQIIQuI9jF1geRhsSMNcC7q-TLdrHBjWSfehM-TKfRCwO-lznVehgUJcY3FatrqN8a6UOFCg
Budgeting: Rubin & Bartle Integrating gender into government budgets: A new perspective in @PAReview How to do gender-responsive budgeting and what that means.
Nonprofits: Meetelsky, @ChaoGuo1 & @aeikenberry “Nonprofit Governance from a Critical Perspective” chapter in Reframing Nonprofit Management. How do we get boards which are representative of the organizatios they serve? https://reframingnonprofits.wordpress.com/ 
Tech: Howard, P., Busch, L., & Sheets, P. Comparing digital divides: Internet access and social inequality in Canada and the United States. What does the digital divide look like in the US and how might that impact providing services to the public https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:3bf7fbe9-417d-4fb6-9372-29f04e052814
FYI I have a whole bunch of articles I had to cut for space but more than happy to share. I got a PhD seminars worth of articles I think. Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Lastly, we are not talking about tech inequality enough in PA!
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