AFFH A Thread:

Who has heard of the
“Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” (AFFH) regulation put in place by Obama? If sleepy Joe Biden wins the presidency. You can bet that he will expand it. Let’s look at this regulation and the aftermath it would cause. (1/25)
Let’s look at why. In an earlier thread I spoke of the Biden Sanders unity team and how Sanders policies would dictate our lives if Joe won. Look for yourself. (2/25)
The unity team ideas for a communist unicorn utopia include everything from retraining the police to pushing the AOC green new deal. It takes American jobs back out of the country as they were during the Obama administration. How does this tie to AFFH? (3/25)
“It will make new home-building prohibitively expensive and force more low-income people into government housing. Nearly all aspects of American life would be regulated, centralized and socialized.”-Melissa Mackenzie (4/25)
“The upside to the recommendations treatise? It’s short and encapsulates the Left’s totalitarian dreams. The Democrats really should change their name to National Socialists, as they want to centralize government power and socialize the country. It would be more accurate.” (5/25)
AFFH is part of the HUD program. Interesting that in 2019 they were looking to train civil rights employeees when we all know that they want to take all of our rights.
Most people do not even know what Biden is trying to do. That’s why I included his policy link. Trump however is trying to bring this to the surface as he did with his latest speech in the Rose Garden. (7/25)

Linked here:
One part explains expanding on the pernicious AFFH regulation. “It is potentially the worst recommendation, and for reasons the Democrats haven’t considered.” (8/25)
Look what else I found. Hmmmm. It doesn’t look so pretty to me, because every community in America reports to HUD with detailed data and metrics about their low-income housing. (10/25)
“Washington, D.C., bureaucrats arbitrarily set what an “adequate supply” of housing is for low-income people. They arbitrarily decide what “quality” is.” (11/25)
“This is to ensure that low-income people can find HUD housing in any community, or else the community risks losing federal funding and being punished with “potential regulatory enforcement.” (12/25)
This is a major overreach on local control. It’s also overly broad, giving bureaucrats with no understanding of the local community the ability to punish the community atvtheir will. (13/25)
“The worst side-effect of this “cure” is the harm done to low-income people. Most suburbs simply aren’t equipped to serve the people who need low-income housing. Why?” (15/25)
“Very poor people cannot afford cars and the maintenance, gas, etc. required to get the resources they need.” (16/25)
Forcing suburbs to abide by insane reporting and building regulations costs more in time and trouble and is ultimately unnecessary. In suburbs that do have the infrastructure to handle low-income housing, low-income housing gets built. (17/25)
The market responds to the need. A community with low-wage jobs and service jobs needs workers for those jobs, and those workers need housing. (18/25)
Because suburbs are often outside the strict zoning and regulatory city environment, housing goes up more quickly, is often superior in both amenities and location for the worker’s needs, and is cheaper. (19/25)
But what about places like Pelosi’s District? (20/25)
“Attempts by Biden’s communist handlers to reverse this or to force suburbs to make the same failed policy choices are likely to inspire rebellion.” (21/25)
Biden will keep his utopian policy plans hidden with him in his basement. That’s why President Trump decided to compare and contrast in the Rose Garden. That’s why news organizations panned away from the press conference. (22/25)
They want to hide the plans. Americans would reject them if they knew. Biden will say or do anything to grab power. We all know with communists death and destruction follow. (23/25)
“AFFH is one small part of the Biden–Sanders Task Force recommendations. Each and every part of it would destroy America, harm American workers, homeowners, businesses, and the quality of life of nearly every citizen.” (24/25)
“The exception would be the richest, who could weather the storm, ensconced in their elite bubbles, untouched by the problems of their lessers. Rather than having a robust middle class, Americans will be miserable, with only a few having the resources to avoid the pain.” (25/25)
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