Like, how bent out of shape would you be if the Periodontists Association of Greater New Jersey wanted to kick out a member because they were vocal about how flossing is overrated or something?
This is not a Niemoller, "First they came for..." situation. There is no "mob" in this story. It is a group of people who belong to an organization petitioning that organization. This is, wait for it...speech, which we're for, right?
If the believers in cancel culture really want people like me who believe in free speech and the First Amendment to be more sensitive to excesses from the left, they gotta pick better battles because this one ain't it.
When you cry wolf, and I come running and see a chihuahua, I'm going to begin to think you lack credibility.
I mean, I got no specific beef with Pinker and don't need to see him canceled or whatever, but at some point, haven't we just heard enough from some folks? Do we need to go to the mat to protect Steven Pinker from the non-existent harm of being booted from a professional org?
Pinker should be psyched. He can stop paying his dues.
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