artists like lai kuanlin from wanna one, lay zhang in exo, and jackson wang in got7 are apologists of police brutality, they support the hong kong police. ready to cancel them yet?

or are you gonna gaslight me again with "iF tHeY dOn'T sUpPoRt, tHeiR fAmiLieS wiLl sUffEr!" +
how many hong kongers have been wrongfully arrested for just walking on the fucking streets, wearing black, or just existing? y'all said anything yet?

when your faves support the hong kong police y'all say nothing and still have acab in your handle. stfu. +
or are you gonna trust the us-centric propaganda that says "oH tHe CIA sUpPoRts tHeIr PrOtEsts, thEy aRe A RiGht wiNg mOveMent!"

i can believe how fucking vile people can be when they see people getting beaten up and then say they get funded by tr*mp. where's my money? +
when y'all say acab, I NEED YOU TO MEAN ALL!
end of thread. i am fucking angry because this tweet probably gonna flop again and then nobody sees it, then hong kongers stay dying every single day with tankies saying dead people get funded by the fucking CIA. y'all make my blood boil.
oh yeah i will be blocking those who just say oh how dangerous china is and then gaslighting me saying these idols can't do anything because their families need to he safe. imagine how many families have neen broken up by the hong kong police and the state. stfu.
muting this. i've said what i needed to say. the receipts are down there. look at it yourselves bye-
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