So apparently the marine mammal science list serve is just privileged white dudes uniting against paying workers.

@eirenkate and others asked the list serve to stop posting unpaid internships and some dudes named Phil and Paul are like “I’ve worked in this field for 40 years”
“Unpaid workers - you are valued” so fucking pay them a living wage? Idk that’s how I know I’m valued at work is by not being taken advantaged of and made to work for free
Eiren el al's open letter: evidence based, with peer reviewed journal citations

Some rando named Phil: One anecdote that starts with "BACK IN 1980!"
I recently sent out a survey to freshwater scientists asking what were the biggest barriers for under-represented and minoritized folks in science and respondents listed financial barriers as one of the biggest things that turns them away from freshwater science
Poll for you all - please answer honestly:

As an emerging scientist, could or can you afford to take an unpaid summer internship?
I want to end by saying that change is ok. Just because unpaid internships are the way it's always been done and you've benefited from that does not mean it's *the best* way forward. We can do better for emerging and potential scientists.
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