Has mentioning "coastal elitism" at all really become a "neofascist dog whistle?" or is this person on FB just arguing with me?

Asking because language changes.
Actually asking.

Things get co-opted all the time. Or I find out I don't understand language I thought I did.
But it's a word I use to convey that people from Seattle, Boston, NYC, or SF etc usually don't/won't begin to understand the complex socio-cultural-environmental-and-economic dynamics of the Deep South or Gulf Coast and probs shouldn't speak on it even tho they're "educated"
Is there another word I should use for this?
Coastal elitism is a valid discussion point (or it used to be?) and it is a kind of question about classism, paternalism, and often white savior mentality. Giving it "fascist dog whistle" status is a dangerous way of shutting down those discussions
alls I said at first was

"Why do people hate the south so much? Some of y'all's coastal elitism is showing in this thread"

then they _really_ shined
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