I say this without malice, just as an observation, but it's interesting that Wales' most outspoken "Christian Politician" is passionately against what the main tide of Welsh speaking Christian leaders have been in favour of for the best part of a century - independence
My PhD is in the field of Christian Nationalism looking at how Welsh Christian Nationalism is fundamentally different to that of British or American Christian Nationalism. A follow up project looking at more recent developments would be interesting.
For those wanting to engage these ideas deeper I published a Welsh book about is last year called 'Tynged Cenedl' but some of it's main ideas and briefly explored in this short English paper: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5c9e3e63e8ba4496c1df9458/t/5caf0cdeeb39317a0b055bcb/1554975967250/EiB+E2015.5+Llwyd.pdf
'....nationalism cannot be endorsed uncritically
from a Christian point of view. Depending on its nature it can be condemned or redeemed. It is obvious to all
that it can become an idol, especially when associated with other ideologies like fascism and imperialism....'
'This kind of nationalism, of which the extreme version was Nazi Germany and a lesser version Colonial
expansionism, brings to view the worst kind of structural sin....'
'But if redeemed and practised in light of Christ’s Lordship, it may not only be tolerated by Christians but also be embraced as a means to nurture the kind of humanity and creation God had intended from the beginning – the beauty of a humanity showing unity in diversity.'
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