Quite shocked at this quoted thread and how many people agree with it as I read this to my class a while back. So here’s mine:

I have recently read this to the children in my Year 1 class (5-6). I have no issues with this, a thread. 1. https://twitter.com/spyonmike/status/1283509068196458496
The book is about inclusion and acceptance. It’s about being yourself. The beauty of picture books, especially ones such as these with few words, is that they can be interpreted however you wish. In the thread above it’s been interpreted as being adult-themed and sexualised /2
But of course, as an adult, you are able to recognise those themes. Take, I dunno... Shrek, for example, when I was young I just accepted Lord Farquad was simply a name. As an adult you realise it’s a take on ‘fuckwad’ - I only know that now as an adult. /3
So whilst the thread author may see a Pride parade where you’ve no doubt Googled the most child-inappropriate images you can find. Children will see a parade of acceptance. A parade of like-minded people - who also like to dress up. A discovery that Julian was not alone. /4
And yes, actually, it is a book for adults too. It’s about the way Nana reacts to Julian dressing up. And what she does about it. It’s about Julian being able to dress up as he wishes without people thinking he’s strange or that he can’t dress like that because he’s a boy. /5
The book was largely met with a shrug of acceptance from my class. They enjoyed the story & its illustrations and, really, that was that. But how important could that display of acceptance be to a child who also dresses up, thought it was strange, & saw that no one was bothered?6
How important could the role of the Nana be to a child who may feel like they wouldn’t be accepted by their family? So yes, it is a children’s book. But I think there’s a lot that adults could learn from this as well. Especially the ones who seem to be so offended by it. /7
Anyway, end of review. 5/5 would read again. 👍
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