Let’s talk about what white supremacy does so that we can tackle it and it’s symptoms...
It asserts that black and brown people are less intelligent so they underfund minority majority district schools leaving children underprepared and genius untapped...
It asserts that black and brown people who achieve professional or economic success did not earn it but instead are beneficiaries of affirmative action;

It asserts that black and brown people are hypersexualized so they abuse our bodies for their own pleasure and amusement...
It asserts that black and brown people are inherently criminal so they criminalize even a child’s behavior with an intent to incarcerate;

It asserts that black and brown people have no self control, so they find ways to police our every movement...
It asserts that black and brown people are inherently lazy, so they refuse to hire, pay living wages or find ways to restrict advancement;

It asserts that black and brown cultures are exotic while stealing the products of our genius...
It asserts all these things while blaming black and brown people for their oppression and dysfunctional outcomes.

It asserts all these things without ever understanding it harms not just black and brown people, but the whole of humanity.
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