Hundreds of people replied to my call yesterday to support the Guardian, many of them critically, with particular regard to our coverage of gender. I can't reply individually to everyone so please excuse the grandness of a thread, and please read it all. (1/10)
Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
Non binary people are non binary.
For some, these terms are porous and they live between them.
Gender is not absolute. (2/10)
Most people's gender "matches" with the one conferred on them by biology and society. Mine does, and it's the same for millions more. A minority differ. We should be compassionate towards them. (3/10)
To the trans people who feel betrayed by the Guardian's coverage of trans issues: there are many people in the company who want to tell your stories, struggles and triumphs, honestly and compassionately. (4/10)
To the cis women who feel betrayed by the Guardian's coverage of trans issues: I'm genuinely saddened to have lost you as everyone working here wants to fight misogyny, sexism and patriarchal power/bullshit. (5/10)
Men threaten women in so many ways. Trans women (often non-white trans women) experience the blunt, murderous end of that threat all too often. Again, these women need compassion. (6/10)
There needs to be debate on how to ensure safety and agency of all women; of methods and timings of transitioning, which will vary for each person. But any debate needs to come from a place of compassion where the fact of trans women's existence and womanhood is honoured. (7/10)
I signed the letter in the wake of Suzanne Moore's column because I thought she mis-characterised the fight for trans rights as denying women's rights. I respect debate and part of that is calling out something I don't agree with. She isn't silenced, nor would I want that. (8/10)
This debate should continue until everyone feels safe. People often approach it in bad faith. I encourage people to think openly. Talk to trans people and understand the reality of their identities; their difficulties and joys. (9/10)
I don't have all the answers but I want to ask the right questions, to help equality and understanding, and for everyone to be empowered. I think the Guardian is a place that does that and I'm proud to work there. (10/10)
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