hi i was @/letspopit user before and i got canceled by my own close moots, i nak clear things because everyone thought i am racis*, but everyone just misunderstood my point while i can understand everyone's oppinion and what *tiny are doing rn, my first tweet..
I cakap dont like how and what i saw, what i saw is some ok some of them memang ada yang cancel thanxx and i dont like it, tapi those tweet maybe dah delete sbb i dah tak jumpa pun those comment. And then some of u guys says its not abt the songs and what we should vote..
yes memang bagus apa korang buat, i agree and i mmg support pun but then satu je yang i memang tak puas hati is the way how everyone be telling people not to vote for just made me mad af ok, itu yang i bengang, bukan i bengang sebab korang spread awareness..
And yea one of my comment says " i already vote for both and balanced it " but yall just seems to jump into conclusion macam tu je sebab i vote tu memang sebelum i came here sebab dah i suka both songs so whh not i vote dua dua ? tak salah kan ? sebab i tak tahu kan ?
then i terus kan marah pasal the way ye the way korang being sarcastic is just rude and maybe how everyone be telling others " not to vote for thanxx " will hurt someone's feeling, faham tak 'someone' tu siapa ? takkan ?
Ok the ' someone's feelings ' tu is the one who make the song, they are ateez themselves, tak kesah la lagu apa sekali pun we have no right to say " dont vot for it " sebab ateez dah bagi harapan untuk kita to vote for anything u like, but then yall nak spread awareness kan then
its okay lah i tak halang, but still tiba tiba oomfs exposed me ha itu i bengang la benda tweet dah lama sikit and after that i memang dah faham, kalau nak cakap kenapa tak delete the tweet ? yunk ni i tweet for those yang canceled thanxx ? right ? tak salah kan nak marah ?
sebab i rasa the one yang should trigerred is them yang cancel the song lah kan ? tapi tulah it seems macam korng semua terasa and bring back i punya tweet abt 2hrs ago to cakap " dah rasict mengaku jela" and what so ever, i even say ' thankyou for telling me ' this and that
but yea korang tak baca those kan ? thats why korang marah. I faham, takpe but this thread is actually for those who canceling me and cut off my friendship with my mutual, i will never forgive you <3 they are dissapointed with me without no one explaining about what i did.
if u still tak puas hati lagi dengan ayat ayat i please dont be shy to dm me personal and dont expose me without asking first <3
And if u dah dm tanya me, educate me but i still ignorant then.. expose me all the way u want, i deserve it ❤️
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