hot take; being 18 doesn't make it less dangerous to be overtly sexual online, the same dangers still apply, and you're not suddenly better capable of dealing with abusive people, it takes time and experience to get there, I still get scared when someone propositions me online
back in february I made a joke tweet about wanting a s*gar d*ddy/m*mmy, because my best friend and I joke about that a lot. I instantly had a ton of dms from older men and women asking to provide for me. It was incredibly unpleasant and scared the shit out of me.
I used to think I could do the whole s*gar b*by thing, but now I know I really couldn't. I'm 26yo, but I didn't expect so many people to be so overtly sexual with intent. Twitter is the only platform I've been on where people actively try to hook up and that's worrying to me
basically what I'm saying is that I could still get manipulated and sexually harassed/assaulted even if I am an adult. I have a little more experience, so I have more resources to deal with these things, but it's still something that can fuck me up real bad. JUST BE CAREFUL
and maybe try to not be overtly sexual on here unless you know what that means, seriously, if you're iffy and weird about kinks, DEFINITELY don't post anything explicit, because you clearly have no idea what you're talking about & you're /probably/ still romanticising sex
which is okay, everyone learns along the way, but this is not the platform to explore and learn about sex, because there's simply too many shady figures on here that will hurt you and try to use you for their own gain, so, again, PLEASE BE CAREFUL
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