Always wonder why the first responses to a loss in revenue is to cut jobs rather than use the moment as an opportunity to change institutiinal direction...

Don’t @ me. I already know...
Imagining a parallel universe where an institution looked at its revenue loss and decided that it needed to change how it did its business.

Oh hell, it may be even looked out at London and thought ‘may be our staff could look like our city.’
And so it hired, empowered, paid, promoted this bunch to change not just the gloss but the actual fundaments of the institution including developing products that addressed the market needs, developing sales and marketing that could access and expand this market...
Imagine making this institution actually work for a London in the 21st century rather than trying to pretend that we are still living in the 1970s or 1850s.
Almost as if diversity initiatives could be more than PR exercises.

Almost as if your staff reflecting the city, society, country beyond could give you a business advantage.

Almost as if this thread is subtweeting not just one British institution but all of them 😏
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