The fun part of calling it upskilling and reskilling is it allows the messaging to imply that the unemployment rate is a reflection of people not being appropriately equipped - rather than it being a failing of an economy and society not equipped to support people in a pandemic
Like let’s focus on a need for ‘education’ while ignoring the fact that universities have been shut out of the Gov supports provided for businesses, so hundreds looking for work are HIGHLY educated & HIGHLY skilled... but their industry is being decimated while the Gov ignores it
And let’s create building programs that can only be accessed by those who already would have been engaging in massive renovations, so higher SES areas, therefore not actually supporting public housing or anyone outside the wealthiest suburbs.
But it’s alright because *checks notes* the conservatives are screaming about (non existent) cancel culture & as a bonus the slashing of Aus universities means they’ll have decades more to scream ‘Australians for Australian jobs’ while universities become harder to access. So.
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