📊 Two days ago, I asked a question. Way more people answered than expected, and... well, this week's weₐekly #quiz will be slightly ≠: a long thread on uniformity testing, trickling down all day long.

Be careful what you wish for :) #statistics

1/n https://twitter.com/ccanonne_/status/1283237083260137474
So.... uniformity testing. You have n i.i.d. samples from some unknown distribution over [k]={1,2,...,k} and want to know: is it *the* uniform distribution? Or is it statistically far from it, say, at total variation distance ε?

So, before delving deeper, let's recall what total variation distance is, and formalize the question. The former is basically a measure of how distinguishable two distributions are given a single sample.


The latter... is below.

First question before I go to sleep, wake up, and continue unleashing tweets in this thread tomorrow. Just so that we're all on the same page: what is the optimal sample complexity of uniformity testing, for the whole range of k and ε (up to constant factors)?

That being said, how do we *perform* those tests? And are all tests created equal? 🧐
(Answer: no 🍪)

For instance, I listed below a few criteria one may have in mind; there are others! Tomorrow, I'll start discussing the 7 ≠ algorithms I know...

So, to resume with a table: here are the algorithms in question, with references. (Spoiler alert: the second column gives the answer to the poll above)

It'll be sprinkled through the day. Think of it as a taste of testing, if you will 🥁.

So, a key idea that is central to many of those is... to "forget" about TV distance and use ℓ₂ distance as proxy. If p is ε-far from uniform (in TV) it'll be ε/√k-far in ℓ₂ distance by Cauchy—Schwarz. And the advantage of ℓ₂ is that it has a very nice interpretation!

That's the idea 4 of the 7 algorithms above rely on. Want to test uniformity of p in TV? It's enough to estimate ||p||₂² to ±ε²/k. (Estimating the squared norm is much nicer than the norm itself, as we'll see.)

So... how do we do that with only √k/ε² samples?

First algorithm: collisions! Since we are looking for a natural unbiased estimator for this squared ℓ₂ norm, it's a good time to remember this nice fact.

If I take two independent samples x,y from p, the probability that x=y (a "collision") is, you guess it...

This gives our first algorithm: take n samples x₁,...xₙ. For each of the {n choose 2} pairs, check if a collision occurs. Count those collisions, and use the result as unbiased estimator for ||p||₂²; threshold appropriately.

Simple ☑️. Fast ☑️. Intuitive ☑️. Elegant ☑️.

But how data-efficient is it? To analyze that, we need to know how big n must be for Z₁ to "concentrate" around its expectation ||p||₂². By Chebyshev, we need to bound the variance. Good: getting n≍√k/ε⁴ is not too hard.

Getting √k/ε².. *much* harder. "Simplicity" ☐

It *is* possible to bound the variance tightly enough to get the optimal √k/ε². It's just not something I would recommend doing for fun.

Which is a uniquely good segue for our *second* algorithm, based on a dual-ish idea: counting the unique elements instead! #nocollision

(short break now, I am out of coffee)
Back to our algorithm #2: instead of collisions, what about counting the *non-collisions*, i.e., the number of elements appearing exactly once among the n samples? That''ll be max for the uniform distribution, so... good? Also, easy to implement.

Call that estimator Z₂...

... the expectation is a bit unwieldy, but making a bunch of approximation it's roughly 𝔼[Z₂]≈n-n²||p||₂². Good news! We can again use that as estimator, provided we can also bound its variance...

A few tricks can help us: e.g., Efron—Stein: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentration_inequality#Efron%E2%80%93Stein_inequality

... and that leads us to the optimal n≍√k/ε² sample complexity too! With a caveat, though: it only works for ε≫1/k¼.

Why? 🤔

Spoiler: not the 🦄. We count the number of unique elements, and there can't be more than k of them if the domain size is k. If we take n too large, we start having to ignore many samples.

So we need n ≪ k, or things start to break. Since n≍√k/ε², that gives ε≫1/k¼...

To summarize the "unique elements algorithm", Algo #2:

Data efficient ☑️
Time efficient ☑️
Simple + "simple" ☑️
Elegant ☑️
... but has a restriction on the parameters ☐

(Cool, I'm done with algo 2 out of 7 and it's only been 17 tweets so far. I may wrap up before n=100. Time for a ☕ break!)
(Since I've been asked: no, I am not drinking a coffee per hour. I made coffee earlier, but it's a slow process: it's done now, time to drink it.)
Now onto algorithm #3. If you are a statistician, or just took #Stats 101, or just got lost on @Wikipedia at some point and ended up on the wrong page, you may know of Pearson’s χ² test for goodness-of-fit: let Nᵢ be the # of times i appears in the sample. Compute:

Then sit back and relax. Bad news: that does not actually lead to the optimal sample complexity: the variance of this thing can be too big, due to elements we only see zero or one time (so... most of them). The good news is that a simple "corrected" variant *will* work!

Why is that? When computing the variance, many Nᵢ terms will cancel if you only see an element i zero or one time, so the variance goes down. For the analysis, it’s helpful to think of taking Poisson(n) samples 🐟 instead of exactly n, as it simplifies things (and...

... changes ≈ nothing else here). Then the Nᵢs become independent, with Nᵢ ∼ Poisson(npᵢ) (that not magic, it’s 🐟). The expectation is exactly what we'd hope for, and bounding the variance is not insane either thanks to Poissonization—so Chebyshev, here we come!

(As an exercise, though, compute the variance *without* that "-Nᵢ" term. Things don't go so well.) Great, we get the optimal n≍√k/ε² here too. But... it's not really beautiful, is it?

Data efficient ☑️
Simple ☑️
"Simple" ☑️
Fast ☑️
Intuitive ☐
Elegant ☐

Time for our 4th algorithm! Let's take a break from ℓ₂ as proxy for TV and consider another, very natural thing: the *plugin estimator*. Given n samples from p, we can compute the empirical distribution, call that p̂. Now, recall we want to test the thing below:

Why not simply plugin p̂ instead of p in the distance, compute that, and hope for the best?

A reason might be: *this sounds like a terrible idea!* Unless n=Ω(k) (much more than what we want), the empirical p̂ will be at TV distance 1-o(1) from uₖ, even if p *is* uₖ.

That’s the thing, though: hell is in the o(1). Sure, 𝔼[Z₄] ≈1 whether p is uniform or far from it unless n=Ω(k). But this "≈" will be different in the two cases!

Carefully analyzing this tiny gap in 𝔼+showing that Z₄ concentrates well enough to preserve it... works!

That it works at all (let alone results in the optimal n≍√k/ε²) is a real source of wonder to me. It also has nice properties (e.g., low "sensitivity")!
The analysis is not really simple, though...

Data efficient ☑️
Simple ☑️
"Simple" ☐
Fast ☑️
Intuitive ☐
Elegant ☑️

Now a tester that is *not* sample-optimal (but has other advantages, and is quite cute): Algo #5, "random binary hashing."

💡If there is one thing we know how to do, it's estimating the bias of a coin. We don't have a coin here, we have a glorious (k-1)-dimensional object.

Hell, let's just randomly make it a coin, shall we? Pick your favorite random hash function h: [k]→{0,1}, which partitioning the domain in two sets S₀, S₁.

Hash all the n samples you got: NOW we have a random coin!

Let's estimate its bias then: we know exactly what this should be under uniform: uₖ(S₀). If only we could argue that p(S₀)≉uₖ(S₀) (with high proba over the choice of the hash function) whenever TV(p,uₖ)>ε, we'd be good.

Turns out... it is the case. Hurray :)

So we can just do exactly this: we need to estimate the bias p(S₀) up to ±ε/√k. This can be done with n≍k/ε² samples (coin flips), as desired.

Not optimal, but... pretty fun.

Data efficient ☐
Memory efficient ☑️
Simple ☑️
"Simple" ☑️
Fast ☑️
Intuitive ☑️
Elegant ☑️

(Five algorithms out of seven so far, time for a break. I'm still missing Sleepy and Happy—more when I return!)

In the meantime: what do you care more about?
Let's continue! Algorithm #6: "Bipartite collision tester."

In our first, "collision-based" algorithm, recall that we took a multiset S of n samples from p and looked at the number of "collisions" in S to define our statistic Z₁. That gave us an estimator for ||p||₂²...

... which is fine, but required to keep in memory all the samples observed so far. Expensive.
One related idea would be to instead take *two* multisets S₁, S₂ of n₁ and n₂ samples, and only count "bipartite collisions", b/w samples in S₁ and samples in S₂:

That still has the right expectation 𝔼[Z₅]=||p||₂². Back to ℓ₂ as proxy! Compared to the "vanilla" collision-based test, this
is more flexible: S₁,S₂ can be of ≠ size, so that lends itself to some settings where a tradeoff between n₁ and n₂ is desirable. We need:

As well as some other (annoying) technical condition (maybe not necessary?). For the case n₁=n₂, we get back the optimal n≍√k/ε², as long as [technical annoying condition] ε≫1/k^(1/10).

Not bad!

Data efficient ☑️
Simple ☑️
"Simple" ☐
Fast ☑️
Intuitive ☐
Elegant ☐

Stay tuned for the very last algorithm. Spoiler: it is adaptive!
Here we go! Last algo: "empirical subset weighting." That one I really like. It's adaptive, it's weird, and (I think) it's new (h/t @AcharyaJayadev, @hstyagi, and @SZiteng)

Fix s < n. Take n samples from p, and consider the set S (not multiset) of by the first s samples.

Let's consider the random variable p(S). Its expectation (see below) is (making a bunch of approximations) 𝔼[p(S)]≈s||p||₂².

Great: we have a new estimator for (roughly) the squared ℓ₂ norm! Assuming things went well and p(S) concentrates around its expectation, ...

... at the end of this first stage we have S s.t. p(S) is either ≈s/k or ≈s(1+Ω(ε²))/k. Neat... a biased coin problem!

Let's do a second stage then. Take the next n-s samples, check which ones fall in S, use that to estimate p(S) to ±sε²/k.

You can do that as long as:

(sanity check: why?) So in particular, for s=n/2 we get the optimal n≍√k/ε². Hurray!

OK, there is the same slight bummer as in the "unique elements" algorithm: we need s ≪ k in the first stage (can you see why?), so overall this requires ε ≫ 1/k¼. Oh, well.

To summarize our last, "empirical subset weighting" algorithm:

Data efficient ☑️
Memory efficient ☑️
Simple ☑️
"Simple" ☐ (jury's still out)
Fast ☑️
Intuitive ☑️
Elegant ☑️

Yes, I'm a bit biased, I know.

Anyways, this concludes this giant thread! Hope you enjoyed it—feel free to comment or ask questions below. ↴

I'll put up a 📝 summary soon. In the meantime, here are a subset of the algorithms mentioned: which one do *you* prefer? 🙋

You can follow @ccanonne_.
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