Dominic Cummings is the kind of chancer that gets hired because he turns the heads of lazy and incompetent leaders by talking about mildly esoteric books and politely disruptive ideas ...
You know the sort, the kind that talks about ‘disruption’ and ‘breaking things’.

The kind who is too lazy and too arrogant to study what’s really happening, and incapable of talking and listening to, and empathising with, people in the system ...
The kind who is prepared to trash years, decades of dedicated and careful work by hundreds or thousands on the basis of a voguish idea, a second-hand model, a book or a blogpost ...
Someone who presents themselves as a maverick but in fact deeply invested in and motivated by rigid doctrines and ideology ...
Someone with no skin in the game because he is incapable of building social capital in orgs or lasting relationships of trust, respect and collaboration ...
Someone who has never created anything by honest endeavour abc will never create anything of lasting value. A professional nihilist, whose vacuity is masked by a pseudo-intellectual veneer of scientism and blogs and books and references ...
People like Cummings were momentarily the thing in public and commercial worlds about a decade ago, before we realised that empathy, respect, care, expertise, collaboration and the long game were way better ways to build businesses and serve society ...
And that’s the most pathetic thing about Cummings. He wants you to believe he’s a vanguard. He’s not. He’s a cold leftover of a momentary spasm of noughties egotistical pop-science pseudo thought-leadership bullsh*t. He’s a relic. And he’s running your government.
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