I understand that people have differing political opinions, I get that. I also understand the tendency to embody political positions in the form of specific individuals, it’s a convenient if lazy shorthand that means you don’t have to think too hard. However...
I have just looked at Nicola Sturgeon’s twitter site and read some of the comments on it and frankly I am appalled. The level of bile and personal invective is depressing. Whatever you think of the FM’s politics nobody can deny her personal commitment to tackling this pandemic
Have mistakes been made? Probably, I don’t know but day after day, for months now she has stepped up to that podium and done her best to deal with an unprecedented crisis. What alarms me, angers me actually, is that the attacks on her seem to be based on the fact she is a woman
And even less pardonable to some people - an extremely hard-working and competent woman. Other people will disagree with this but I think, and I know an awful lot of other people agree with this, that Scotland is extremely lucky to have her. For what it’s worth FM - thank you
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