Asides from the fact that we need to govern ourselves and manage our resources better in Africa, we cannot compete with the British or Americans in terms of resources. The British banned the movement of skilled workers during the industrial revolution, they also imposed fines.
£500 in the 17th century to protect their economy. How can an Africa country that budgets £30bn for healthcare compete with a country in Europe that has £400bn to spend on healthcare. If the British needs doctors, let them invest in our education via scholarships and grants.
The entire SSA is facing this same challenge. South Africa with the most advanced health system in Africa loses doctors as well. If they need doctors from Africa, then build the medical schools in Africa. If they need Engineers then build the colleges and training centres here.
It costs the British £300,000 to train their doctors, over a 5 year period so to them it makes a lot of sense to raid developing countries, regardless of the health challenges in Africa.

They pay foreign doctors 'well' and earn taxes from them. It is business / economics.
The British has gotten Brexit which means they will face challenges with low skilled and high skilled labour. Rather than encourage low skill workers in Africa, they place visa restrictions on this category. They aren't wanted...
I was in Egypt last year and one of the sessions I had with my colleagues was based on Egyptian doctors fleeing. They have lost 50% of their doctors, the country is facing a major crisis. The problem is not limited to Nigeria !
This challenge must be discussed at the WHO and UN meetings. Africa cannot survive this onslaught, we have 11% of the world's population, 24% of the disease burden, 3% of the global health workforce and we spend <1% of global healthcare expenditure. This is doom / apocalypse
If you need doctors from Africa to fill your gaps, put the medical schools in Africa, train the doctors here since its cheaper,(£2000 vs £300,000) when they work in your country and you tax them, remit part of the taxes to the country of origin.
Stop the looting...
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