Say what you want about Tiktok but this guy just got 100m likes and 2.9m followers on it and no other app ever allowed people like him such a huge platform. It's the most democratic social media app.
I once saw an interview of Chomsky where someone asked him if social media and would democratize media and break the monopoly of mainstream media.
He said no.
He said that internet media companies will largely be counterparts of of their msm wings. That agenda setting media will
Remain the big media house with huge investment because they will be able to buy all the eyeballs and airtime on new media too. And he was right.
This is exactly what happened. CNNs and BBCs and NYtimes all became big on new media too. Facebooks and Twitters allowe pay2win model
Where huge investment would just translate into bigger audiences and leave smaller ones behind, unable to compete very quickly.
If you just have some ad spend you will become me big in twitter, facebook etc in no time.
Tiktok changed that. There is no pay to win on Tiktok. So far
So many typos. But you get it right?
You cannot boost your post on tiktok. You dont need to invest a lot. Video editing tools are built in and everyone is the same.
So all you are left with is content.
But some say content on Tiktok is not good and cringeworthy
But who gets to decide what content is good?
Some random kids from baldia town filming short stories, some kid from orangi telling about his day, some bhatta mazdoors singing passionately..
Who is to say this is not as entertaining as the crap mainstream media tries to feed us?
Ive spent hours and hours on tiktok. And not just Pakistani tiktokers but also American ones, just to see whats going on.
This is an amazing platform. The limitations of this platform equalize people so that everyone has an opportunity. To reduce it to some geopolitically
motivated accusation is a huge disservice to the huge amount of effort that has gone into making it such a great and easy to use platform. And it would be so unfair on hundreds if not thousands of utterly genius content creators who make brilliant stuff everyday.
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