Venda!!!!! Thathe Vondo Holy Forest
sacred to the Venda people of Limpopo, traditional folk lore says the forest is patrolled by a sacred white lion, which protects the graves of the chiefs of the Thathe clan who are buried in this sacred place.
There is also a thunder and lightning bird called Ndadzi, which, according to myths, flies on the wings of thunder.The forest is comprised of giant hardwood trees such as the yellowwood. You can experience a wide variety of ferns, creepers and plants which flourish in the climate
Ordinary Venda people are not allowed to walk in the forest. This taboo extends to visitors, who are expected to respect the traditions and beliefs of the Venda people. This means hiking is not allowed in the forest.
Visitors can only access the forest via a forestry track accompanied by a local guide, the track is a good birding route. You can see forest species such as chorister robin-chat, white-starred robin, Knysna turaco, yellow-streaked greenbul and orange ground-thrush. @mag_limpopo
Meanwhile in the forest you will be to see the Lake Fundudzi. Holds sacred by the Vhatatsindi, the People of the Pool, beautiful Lake Fundudzi’s fresh waters are not often visited, for myth holds that it is protected by a white crocodile and a great white python lives here.
The lake gets its from water off the Mutale River, where a giant python god of fertility is said to reside. He demands an annual sacrifice of a maiden every year, and the ritual domba dance
@ms_tourist @ilovevenda @golimpopo @ndavher
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