#NickCannon a Jewish thread

Tell me, how can we brag about running hollywood then talk mess when other people say we control Hollywood. When Jewish producers force black actors into compromising roles & exploitative, hiding behind our community who holds them accountable?
Its not like there is a jewish community Jury to declare their excommunication. Nope. So if a black actor or musician seeing repeated powerful Jewish individuals in the music & film industry take advantage and promote racist iconography time and again, what message comes across?
The fact is these group of old fatcats represent a part of the Jewish community with real power over the lives of artists and there is a veritable racist current that runs through that scene. They don’t care that they give us a bad name. We should.
And instead of hearing the criticism we whine and retaliate.
Instead of disowning them and acknowledging the ways powerful elements of the Jewish Community has betrayed the black community, and viscerally contributed to the detriment of African Americans, we silence criticism and get defensive.
I am a strong Jew. If a real jew hater comes for me I will proactively defend my bris. But if our people rushes to their defense: look who you are defending: decrepid, racist old Jewish conservative Mafiosi in LA. They don’t get my fucking support. Let them inherit the wolves.
Ultimately however the fact is this has nothing to do with Jews. Its just opportunism by Viacom, exploiting the moment to get rid of Cannon.
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