Nick Cannon got shitcanned for dabbling in the equivalent of White Supremacist psuedo-science and ugly as fuck anti semitism. With Griff no less, who almost destroyed PE with his brand of antisemitism disguised as Afrocentric cultural theology via the NOI
I'm seeing a lot of takes that are making all kinds of weird ass equivalencies and deflections about it and that shit is weak and even more it's cancerous.
Nick did make an attempt at a real apology tonight but the whole thing got me thinking about how important it is to call out disinformation that is just as radicalizing and misleading in Black communities as it is for white kids who end up like, Dylan Roof, for one.
I come from a Caribbean background in Brooklyn and had to do some serious work on myself and check a lot of phobic regressive shit that I was exposed to as a youngin. Still working on it.
My take is this tho--Revolutionary change can't be revolutionary if it's supported by conspiracy theories and hate theology. We don't need it. 

Freedom equality is self evident.
Kareem points out how this is the path to dehumanization and the brutality that then becomes possible.
@MaNishtana is hilarious, brilliant and brash calling out ahistorical "Hotep-ery" in a funny rant with receipts and pushback on the "real Jews" nonsense.
Great thread by the lady that literally wrote the manual on antisemitism. She's spot on in reminding everyone that the roots of AS is in White Supremacy and WS AND AS are the openly accepted as defacto state policy.
A really personal and heartfelt take from a Black Jew, @afrodesiaq frustrated by both antisemitism from the Black community AND Antiblack racism from the Jewish community.
Another @MaNishtana funny informative and straight up thread on the white Jewish community's idealized, maudlin reminiscences of halycon hazed Black and Jew Civil Rights movement unity and where it went.
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