Here’s my One Piece manga thread💚

Less geddit lmao this gunna be a long one🙃
Two pages in and I already learned something new lmaoo he’s wild
These will never stop being my favorite shots of Shanks, especially the arm one.
Y’all ever think about how much Zoro must drool from having that sword in his mouth for so long?
Ugh I was so excited for Buggy, I forgot about her😒
Lol already fucked up my thread
Lol this panel made me think of the Edolus arc in FT when Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel had to make everyone think they were evil
This gunna turn into a Zoro appreciation thread if I’m not careful, but like

He’s dope soo🤷🏽‍♀️
Lmaoo I forgot how big of a trip Usopp’s Arc is
I genuinely feel like I watched a different show than the manga lol but at least I was able to pick Yasopp out from the first chapter
Manga Nami is better than anime Nami.
Ooooh got it. Bruh how did I miss all of this
This thread just making realize how stupid I am—HOW DID I MISS THIS??? LOOK AT THE FLAG omg
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