I want to learn how to do a certain skill better but every time I look things up for it I get discouraged and give up because if it isn't going to be good what is the point. Anyone else feel this?
Ro knows how to cook. D knows how to cook. I can do things from boxes like boxed mac and cheese and pasta, and I want to learn how to do more. But every time I look up a recipe and see all the things I need to buy for it and all the shit I need to do for it, I
get discouraged and argue well what is the point anyway when it's just for me? If I'm going to do this it has to be for and by myself. No one else can teach me to do it. They'll just get tired of me asking questions all the time or tell me to just google it. So I might as
well just figure it all out myself.
Because in the past I wasnt allowed to ask questions about something without getting yelled at. I was told to just figure it out or look it up myself. That I can't be taught everything by someone else. So that's where I'm at. I don't bother asking for help when I want to
learn something new. I just google and youtube it and hope for the best. Learn through trial and error and experience. That is my only option. --K
(Turns out I'm not actually done with this thread.)

Someone might ask why I cant just have one of the ones who know how to cook show me things or cook whilst I watch. Because I can't have someone do things like that for me.
I can't be useless I have to figure it out on my own. No one can do this for me. It shouldn't be a big deal.
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