It;s so crazy to me that, of all people to focus his murderous, drunken rage on, he chose...tradcaths? Tradcaths say some pretty heinous things about queer people, they're obnoxious, and yes, fanatically anti-socialist. But are they really the biggest threat out there? lol
At the end of the day, they're just bitter nostalgists, longing for a world that never quite existed, and that certainly won't come back. Liberal democracy won't yield to Church-dominated theocracy, gay marriage & abortion won't disappear, trans people will still exist, etc.
These folks are annoying on Twitter, I agree - Sohrab Ahmari is a bitch, Rod Dreher is a professional whiner, Taylor Marshall is insane, and Fr. Z is as dumb as he is arrogant. But so what? They can't hurt you. Why are you wasting time and energy being mad at them?
And ffs, not even Michael Voris has called for mass executions (though he's come pretty close in a couple Vortexes lmao)
And I get it, we've all had monstrous thoughts before. We've all had a dark desire to hurt people we don't like, we've all had a moment or two of l'appel du vide. But well-adjusted people recognize that's wrong and fight that impulse.
They certainly don't broadcast it for the whole world to hear.

Anyway, this is a good example of why Socialist Jumpy can't take the chapo guys seriously, and why I've never bothered to listen to their podcast. All I see from them on twitter is foolishness, so why bother?
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