i haven’t spoken about whats happened in the past month.

here’s a thread of merely some of the things that i’ve experienced — i feel its necessary the world understands what happens behind the scenes.
ps. it isn’t pretty
i was hit by a police car on june 10th, leaving me with bruises all over my hips, thighs, and knees — and i still have some pain a month later. (thankfully nothing worse)

this is how i knew they were absolutely ruthless when it came to the citizens of their same city.
i was also covered in bruises all over my chest and arms — a result of the aggressive force of at least six officers in riot gear when surrounding a 105lb, 5’1 eighteen-year-old
i was ziptied and handcuffed so aggressively, my wrists were bleeding when i had gotten out the next morning.
i was in the interrogation room from 9:00pm-2:00am.

a verbatim quote from a detective explaining why he believes they deserve more funding: “maybe if we got paid more, we’d do our jobs right”
they ripped my hijab off whilst i was in handcuffs, replying to my pleads of not doing so with “this is my jail, i can do whatever i want”.

this was in a room of at least twenty males.
correction officers laughed at me and began whispering —

“no wonder we bomb her country, look what she’s doing out here ruining our country”
i was kept in a coed room for nearly seven hours, without my hijab and without proper clothing.

this was a room with a bare minimum of at least a hundred males.
i was given inappropriate notes — i’ve attached the least graphic ones.
i was surrounded by at least four male detainees/inmates doing very inappropriate sexual actions.

a correction officer didn’t come until fifteen minutes later and merely suggested i try moving a bit further away.

funny how nothing was said to the males.
after i was allowed to change back into my own clothes, my hijab was once again torn off.

i wasn’t allowed my hijab until i was in the parking lot — exposed to hundreds and the entire public.
thinking the worst had been over once i got out, i came to find my hijabless mugshot broadcasted on national tv.

the following day, it was circulating all over news articles.
my hijabless mugshot continues to circulate to this day. fake accounts have posted it in almost any tweet related to my name/story.

accounts to this day are selling my mugshot.. making profit off one of the most traumatizing experiences i’ve gone through
my comments and dms have been flooded with everything from the cruelest hate to countless death threats.

i deleted all socials for days and cried myself to sleep every night for a week
i had gone to another protest a week later. i was merely trying to provide medical aid to those who’d been injured by teargas.
cops shone a flashlight in my face, pointing at me and yelled very clearly (with witnesses around) “HER! GO GET HER!”
seconds later, i was being chased
this is a small glimpse into my experience, and i’m sure the world has plenty more of their own experiences.

be aware of what others could possibly be going through and remember to spread love and kindness.

in unity there is strength.
You can follow @alaaflorence.
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