My SA story and how I came to forgive my molester.
First, I'm not doing this for clout or some bs like that. If I wanted to do that I'd say the 1d boy's full names and tag Sirius XM.

So I was 6ish she was 13-14. She told me we should play doctor and had me do things to her and she did things to me. I didn't recognize it as molestation because I'm school they taught us with puppets that it was more like if an adult touched you inappropriately. I didn't know it
Could also be said in reference to close friends.

So I somewhat blocked it from my memory and I don't think it ever happened again but I'm not positive. There reason I'm making this thread is because recently I came to forgive my molester. She's 20ish now, has a boyfriend and
Does mission work across the world. Sometimes I wonder if she remembers.
Recently I saw this Blaire White video and it was on the whole Sh*ne D*wson stuff and how he's being called a child molester and such. And Blaire said something that was like "stuff like that (molesting and sexual abuse) runs in families." And I knew that, but I always
Thought it moreso applied to adults doing that to other children, but then Sh*ne said he somewhat molested other children when he was a kid in an audio clip.

And that's when I started to think that maybe she (my molester) was molested when she was younger. Her parents were
Divorced and she had major family issues so that did make me wonder. Obviously love don't know what she went through or her whole story and I don't want to make accusations, but that's the only reason I can think of that she would do something like that to me.
I don't know if parts of me being a super anxious and nervous person stem from my experience, I don't know if that's why I'm so terrified of it happening again but it being r*pe and not just touching. I honestly don't know.
But I have forgiven this person for what she did to me. I just hope she knows what she did was wrong. I haven't seen her since about a year after that happened so yeah. I just wanted to share my story.
I just want you guys to know that it's not just creepy old men who can molest you/sexually abuse or assault you. It can be a close friend who's older than you.
I wish we didn't live in a society where this was even a concept. But we do and I am so sorry to any of you that have experienced this or will experience it. My heart goes out to you all and I would gladly hurt anyone who has the audacity to hurt any of you.
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