Okay when people say to learn to code by building my question is how?! I’m not sure about anyone else but this saying makes me feel that I just must be stupid because even after doing courses and the such when I try to just build something I go blank
And all of a sudden the task feels like a massive building and I have no idea how to get started I must be honest that it absolutely destroys me every time. I feel like i understand the theory but just have a huge blank when getting it from my head to on my screen
One of the hugest comparisons I can make is drawing I can be given an image of something and I can go and make a exact drawing of it day a bee but if you asked me to draw from my head to paper I get upset and miserable that I can’t communicate what I want to do.
It feels like walking a mountain with all these fabulous courses I take from excellent people but fighting my adhd and depression everyday is just exhausting. And seeing others just build cool stuff makes my envy that ability.
So basically
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