what spells interest you the most?

i see a lot of popular ones relating to protection and finances

i want to start sharing what my mentor teaches me with you guys since she doesn't use any social media!
i met her for the first time in november of 2018 at the metaphysical shop i go to regularly. she offered readings and sometimes classes.

she was one of the first to ever give me a reading. since then, i would see her in passing at the meta shop making casual conversation
fast forward to december 2019, our paths crossed again and i asked if she was still offering readings or hosting classes - but she wasn't. i didn't want to push it because i understand the energy it takes but she felt inclined to teach me a spell...
i was extremely hesitant because i know how powerful spells can be - this felt right though. i'll share the spell in a tweet out of this thread so it doesn't get buried
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