stroke symptoms, and things you can do to help someone having them; a thread.
muscular symptoms: difficulty walking, instability, paralysis with weak muscles, problems with coordination, stiff muscles, overactive reflexes, or paralysis of one side of the body
Visual: blurred vision, double vision, sudden visual loss, or temporary loss of vision in one eye
vocal, or speech symptoms: difficulty speaking, slurred speech, or speech loss
whole body symptoms: fatigue, lightheadedness, or vertigo/dizziness. numbness/weakness may occur in the limbs. pins and needles or reduced sensation of touch may be experienced.
additional symptoms: difficulty swallowing, headache, inability to understand, mental confusion, or rapid involuntary eye movement, muscle weakness in the face, and numbness.
what can i do to help before permanent damage is done?
if you believe someone may be experiencing a stroke, remember the first three letters. S, T, and R.
S- SMILE. ask the individual to smile. if it looks unusual or they are unavle to do this, there could be a problem.
T- TALK. speak a sentence to them, and then ask the individual to coherently repeat that sentence.
R- RAISE BOTH ARMS. ask the individual to raise both arms.
if the individual is having issues with these simple tasks, please call an ambulance. the permanenet damage of a stroke can be completely reversed within the first three hours of symptoms.
i hope this thread was helpful. i posted a similar thread on my instagram story and was informed that it was slightly offensive since it fed into the idea of “mercy killing” stroke patients. remember that every life is valuable! and stay safe! mwah! <3
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