And ALL OF THIS will cost less than the amount of money that has been dished out (OF OUR TAX DOLLARS BTW) to major corporations and billionaires. I wanna know why the fuck we keep pretending like the money they keep using to do this fuckshit isn’t OUR MONEY that we’ve worked for.
I wanna remind y’all politians are supposed to be public servants. They are paid for by our tax dollars. The police force is paid by OUR tax dollars. We are paying for them to steal from us and then when we talk about redistributing the MILLIONS and BILLIONS of OUR hard earned
money that they take from us, the infamous “Uncle Sam” they say there isn’t enough. But there’s enough to pay for golf trips, & Kente cloth, & bailing out corrupt individuals & banks who continue to steal from the American people. This is theft. & in the MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC
These people don’t even have the decency to pretend like they care about the millions of families and human beings that have just lost their incomes. Their lives. The amount of people that now have no health insurance. The amount of people who don’t know how they’re gonna pay
their rent or mortgage. The amount of people that are sick & continuing to get sick because of the mismanagement of this entire thing. I cannot even begin to resonate with the amount of greed and individualism programming it has taken to convince us to lead ourselves into this
catostrophic mess, but let me be very clear this is all intentional and We need each other more than ever in this moment to be showing up & continuing to speak up. GET INVOLVED IN A LOCAL GRASSROOTS ORG!! And learn some skills! & learn how to survive because this is not a fucking
game this is our lives. And voting between lesser evils in November is not gonna uproot the sadistic true nature of this nation & what we will continue to perpetuate so long as we blindly pretend like we can’t Connect The Dots.
You can follow @LaurenJauregui.
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