fuck ur horoscope, how do you make ur ramen??
First off if these aren't the ramen you're buying, ya gotta upgrade. Even if you have to order them online idc.
Spicy seafood is pretty much my go to.
I'll heat double the amount of water to cook the ramen in a kettle so I can cook the ramen and then rinse it and then throw it back in the pot w NEW water. This is super important so it doesn't taste starchy AF.
But before I throw in the ramen I add this bish. It's called tteokbokki and they're yummy squishy rice cakes I fell in love w in Korea.
I like the refrigerated ones cause I don't think all tteokbokki is created equally. <__<
Okay so ya got hot water, tteopokki and ramen chillin' on the side.
Next ya gotta throw a lil teaspoon of miso in there. This is to make me feel like I am truly trying to not just eat like shit. It's v important. To me.
(Attached is the one I use.)
After this is when I add ze almighty precious egg.

I like to make a lil tornado and then break the egg in. My bf likes mostly whole eggs tho so no tornados for his ramen. 🙄
OR if I'm tryna make this a full meal I'll add seafood instead of egg. My go-to's are mussels or shrimp. They cook fast tho so everything needs to be added AFTER the rice cakes.

All about timing w this ramen...
"But Veronica what about the seasonings it comes with??"

SURPRISE. That's next. I use HALF the amount because I already put miso into this fucking thing and I don't wanna add more water. Btw I hope you're cooking in a big pot... đŸ€”
By this time your ramen should look super satisfying. Things you can add for peace da la resin tense:
*Black sesame seeds
*Spam/Prosciutto/Meat tingz
*Dried veggies! (Mushrooms, eggplant, etc.)
*More seaweed than what that dumb lil packet gives you.
Hopefully this thread upgraded your ramen game because I am just so sick of my friends eating downgrade maruchan ramen. 😔

If I ask for ramen I genuinely expect 80% of this to be in my bowl. And now I hope you do the same.
Go forth and ramen.
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