I’ve gotten 14 mask done today, 6 of which were hand embroidered (those suckers take an hour apiece).

If you’re waiting on yours, thanks for being patient while I work through orders! The end of the list is in sight 😍

I won’t be taking orders from here on out - I’ll be making
inventory and posting weekly/biweekly on my Etsy shop as I complete more. I’ll have more info one that once I get to that point & don’t have any lingering orders!
My Etsy changed! You can now find my shop as MadeByMegFry ❤️


(I tweeted this a little while ago but thought it would be helpful under this thread as well)
You can follow @MegNSwift13.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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