Hours before it was set to expire @GovKemp extends #Georgia's #COVID19 protections and requirements. But on page 32 he also added in a provision prohibiting local governments from requiring #masks.
The move comes a week and half after @GovKemp went on a tour of #Georgia with @Surgeon_General promoting #WearAMask https://twitter.com/Surgeon_General/status/1278727534167932928?s=20
Just Monday-- @GovKemp yet again encouraged all Georgians to wear masks. https://twitter.com/GovKemp/status/1282777328645537797?s=20
So, to be clear-- #Georgia cities and counties cannot require masks. But you should #WearAMask đŸ˜· . Today @Walmart, @kroger and @Starbucks joined the growing list of businesses requirign them in their stores. #TryingToKeepUp
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