The thing about the racism from the Teen Wolf fandom (ongoing 3 years after it went off air in its 6th season) is that it's the same people. It's the same racist weirdos from 2011 showing up in 2020 to i'm not racist"-y explain why they MUST call TYLER POSEY a dog on main.
Like there are people who gained immense fandom social capital in the Teen Wolf fandom because they were vocal fans who found "good" reasons to hate Scott McCall and his actor and appeared "rhetorically gifted" enough to dodge the very real conversations on racism we were having.
And they're still here. They're on twitter (colethewolf is a Black man who made being a PickMe and Misogynoir is ENTIRE PERSONALITY and he's still actively shitting on Tyler Posey like to this day).

Andartha and athenadark still show up to be horrifyingly racist shits on Tumblr
That shit is so wild to me like these are all adults. Those two a-ladies? Older than me by a significant amount, I believe. And they won't grow the fuck up and move on from a show that wasn't good, a ship that never was even close to canon, and behavior that was blatantly racist.
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