Alright here's your #TwitterHack list w/ timestamps. I think I got them all but let me know if any were missed.

Taking a break but I'll add images + btc addresses + emails later.

@sniko_ @UnderTheBreach https://twitter.com/MyCrypto/status/1283483711942479872
Shoot. First "coindesk" should be


This is why I'm taking a break. 👀
Seriously taking a break.
Updated & checked timeline. Highlighted the interesting bits for yall and added other relevant things in view #2

So the interesting bits. And please, correct me if I missed something.

1. Cashapp account is the one that uses different addresses and different copy.

Before my nap I assumed it was maybe 2 groups / 2 friends separately.

But email matches. So...not sure what to make of that 🤷‍♀️
2. Someone should probs talk to hqtrivia and see if they want to make a public statement.

I haven't investigated the bots yet so it may have been a high follower account from different attack but that's best case

Diff copy
No email
Only tweet that's out of duration
Diff addy
3. Apple has no email. Screenshot was taken 1 minute after tweet (UK time)

If they are buying accounts from someone with access to dashboard as some speculate, you'd expect person with access to change email/remove 2fa & person who paid for account to reset PW & tweet

Again I want to look at the bots timeline± copy and also the timing of replies. If anyone has screenshots of the "just donated $45000" type tweets, that would be super helpful. I have a couple but not all.
4. I'm not convinced the "give me btc to join my paid crypto trading group" is same attackers. Feels very different.

A lot of people are convinced tho so if you have any evidence besides the fact they happened on the same day, lay it out.
5. Not sure if cashapp was a personal jab at @jack or, like Elon, had high ROI due to size + type of audience.

Would be interesting to see the Bitcoin in over time mapped next to the tweets.
6. I know Elon had piles and piles of Twitter giveaway / trust trading scams in '17 '18. Wondering if these other accounts had the same.

7. I know Coinbase and Binance are constantly being impersonated the more recent YouTube scams. But so is Ethereum/Vitalik.

You can follow @MyCrypto.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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