CW for thread!!!

Self Harm
Suicide/Suicidal thoughts
disordered eating
just real downer shit.
I'm REALLY depressed when I'm at home and im fucking sick of it.

most of the people I know look at + treat me as an adult man with Mental Illness, as in, needs to be restrained from physically harming everyone I meet.
I'm a teenaged girl with Mental Illness as in, can never find my pens and stuff and I can't go to sleep if someone didn't text me back
It would help a lot if more of my decisions were viewed through the lens of, like, 10 things I hate about you and a lot fewer were viewed through the lens of fuckin Making a Murderer.

when im dead nobody's going to say "oh she was so nice" they'll say "he behaved erratically"
"he was a kid with a lot of potentially, but his antisocial behaviors led to falling in with the wrong crowd and being brainwashed, leading to an unfortunate but not unforeseen death"

not "she was a strong girl who fought bravely against her demons before passing away"
it was getting better!! I moved 1500 miles away, I told people my name, I got my teachers to use it! I stopped turning my head and saying "huh?" when my deadname was shouted across the LGS (the most popular guy at the store shares that name) and I started responding to "emma"
I played on womens' sports teams!! I looked forward to exercise! I went on walks for fun!

and then I went home. and the whole time it's been terrifying. I keep checking behind my shoulder in my OWN BEDROOM. and it's been FIVE FUCKING MONTHS and it's gonna be THREE MORE
all i do is spin a wheel of "joylessly masturbate" and "joylessly eat junk food"
my room smells so badly my mom won't go in it
i literally cannot identify the smell
not like "I don't know where it's coming from" I mean "can't fucking smell it
this isn't even a coherent thread anymore. im giving myself full license to just be mad and upset for a while but only on this thread.
this is a weird one: I like magic. I like playing it, and I like thinking about it. but nobody else does for some fucking reason. so im just here. with my outdated modern decks and my half-foiled commander decks and im like "oooh cultivate reprint" and everyone else
fuck that sentence anyway.
have you seen the Godfather? remember the scene where the son shoots the two guys in the restaurant? there's a train squealing in that scene and it gets louder and louder and louder and louder and louder and louder and louder and louder and louder and louder and louder
that's the noise my brain makes, like, 70+% of the time and it fucking SUCKS
this one

CW blood, gun violence, mob violence, shooting, gore
my whole brain stops functioning properly above about 70 degrees out which is good because that's the temperature uhhhhh 100% of the time here
people i considered my friends have started just absolutely shit talking things I love literally AS I THINK "he I should share <thing I love>" someone just fucking FLAMES it to totally unneeded levels before I can start talking
im gonna get to see him. and we're gonna sit there, and i'm gonna mix drinks very poorly and get toooo drunk tooooo quickly, and we're gonna watch a HORRIBLE movie

that's all i look at at this point. that's the entire light at the end of the whole fucking tunnel
his hair is so floofy
if you have in the past or currently smoke cigarettes can you reach out to me
this thread is a MESS the map of it is just like, a pile of thread on a dirty floor. best way to think imo
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