Hey so I completed my museum in #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons .

I think I might miss museums more than I miss live music. And I miss live music A LOT.

Specifically I miss spending time in museums with friends. Which is what you get to do in the game! (Here be a thread).
The different villager personality types have different reactions to different pieces of art, which already rules. But even better, they're often these wonderfully immediate, very personal reactions with absolutely no pretense, no sense of what John Berger called "mystification."
It's played for laughs, and it is indeed often pretty dern funny. But it's also a lovely little simulation of going to a museum with someone who doesn't know all that much about art but is nonetheless INTO I. As a big old gallery art nerd, I value those experiences so much.
Wandering around and hearing these earthy little takes is one of the most peaceful experience I've ever had in a game, and one of the best little jolts of joy/longing I've found in lockdown.
Seriously, it's great.

/Thread, for now anyway.
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