a motherfcking thread of mamamoo exposing that they’re aware of what people say about them on the internet and that should make you stop bully them‼️
It’s not the first time Hwasa told us she knows about everything and this time she’s saying that she lied when saying she’s okay.. this should tell you a lot. Your comments can hurt.
Solar read some malicious comments on her youtube channel not to long ago. She doesn’t really seem affected by them but at the end of the day we don’t know how they really feel.
That’s exactly what I’m trying to show. These people have families and friends. You’re not only hurting them but also their loved ones.
Moonbyul and Solar once talked about this issue during one of their vlives. Moonbyul seemed really angry about this and she has every right to be.
During their performance at KBS Song Festival 2019 they showed a performance exposing how hate comments can be worse than physical pain. They called out malicious comments on national TV. This tells how big the hate they receive is for them to actually talk about it on TV.
Worse than that, Hwasa actually almost had to leave the group because of all the hate she used to get (and still gets) back then during their debuts.
The lyrics of HIP are actually directed towards antis. Here they express their opinions about what people say about them on the internet. They know everything.
Solar wrote this on one of her posts on her youtube channel. She was aware that antis hacked their channel in order to change the MV’s titles. She asked them to stop doing this.
There’re often comments talking about Wheein’s weight. Please don’t tall about someone’s body! Bodyshaming is not funny!
In her recent solo comeback, Hwasa adressed antis in her title song "María". She talks about how she’s tired of all the hate she gets and that she doesn’t even have strength to fight back anymore. Moreover if you watch the mv, you’ll see an illustration of how hard it is for her.
During on of her youtube lives once again Solar talked about malicious comments. I’m proud of her strong mental. She’s so right.
Solar once again responded to hateful comments asking them why they’re doing this. She expressed that she was hurt about those comments saying she looks ugl* without makeup.
Moonbyul post on fancafe about malicious comments.
There’s probably more I could add to this thread. Feel free to add whatever you find! I really hope this will show you that your words can actually hurt people and that idols are aware of everything. Just because they’re famous doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.
You can follow @ughwasa.
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