
For @Timcast and @AdamCrigler and @sourpatchlyds

@realDonaldTrump DELIBERATELY played into the Orange Man Bad narrative.

I can't even list the reasons why, but I'll hit you with the most important ones.
Trump is a student of General Wang Jingze, author of The Thirty-six Stratagems.

Chapter 5: Proximate Stratagems

No. 3
"Feign madness but keep your balance

"Hide behind the mask of a fool, a drunk, or a madman to create confusion about your intentions and motivations. Lure the opponent into underestimating your ability until they drop their guard."
Trump also studied The Art of War, by Sun Tzu.

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
TODAY, Trump fell like a thunderbolt.

Administrations have been talking about infrastructure repair for decades.

How did they ALWAYS frame it?

More money. "Investment."

What did Trump do today, that NOBODY expected?
Wiped out ALL the regulations that prevented infrastructure repair.

These regulations were put in place at the behest of LOBBYISTS, so that they could be hired to lobby for DECADES and get paid for every single second they worked.

Now they have no power.
Yesterday Trump fell like a thunderbolt.

He announced that we've destroyed MS-13.

Arrested 15,000 and deported 20,000.

The leadership is being nailed with federal terrorism charges.
While everyone was screeching "ORANGE MAN BAD!" and Trump was being all "uncouth" and "tactless," TIM POOL, our country was changed from top to bottom.

Do you genuinely prefer a corrupt, useless president who ACTS presidential? Really?

I don't believe that.
Trump also created a "reverse honeymoon."

Presidents bask in initial high approval ratings and despair when their approval inevitably sinks.

Trump started with a low approval rating AND KEPT IT LOW so that his idiot enemies wouldn't take him seriously.
Trump does not have a conventional ego structure.

There's an old Hollywood adage:

Actors who play villains are in real life the nicest people you'll ever meet, and actors who play good guys are in real life monsters.
I met Hank Garrett, the Mailman in Three Days of the Condor.
Bodybuilder, martial artist.

He wore massive padding in this scene because Redford pounded the hell out of him, at Garrett's insistence.

Look at him go!

He's 88 years old and still going strong.
William Smith, the blond guy.

His entire career was THIS, and everybody loved him.
I could go on and on.

What about the "good guys"?

I'll give you just one example.

James Stacy (right), who Tarantino immortalized in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
A beloved leading man.

He lost his left arm and leg in a motorcycle accident at the height of his career.
And he kept working.
It didn't bother his fans, INCLUDING TARANTINO.

See, Stacy had TACT.

He was COUTH.

So molesting a child could be forgiven.

Trump lacks tact but is saving the world.

I prefer people who PLAY villains but who aren't in real life.

We all have our priorities.

For some people, appearance is all that matters.

I just have to go back to Hank Garrett. We had a great conversation about movie villains.
I kiddingly told him he'd given me nightmares for life, and he kiddingly apologized.

When we shook hands, he looked deep into my eyes and thanked ME.

For remembering him.

For understanding the art in his performance.

For acknowledging his indelible mark on film history.
The obsession with appearance has ruined movies.

Today's villains are so over the top that they're ridiculous.

They'd last three seconds as professional killers.

Hank Garrett understood that REAL fear comes from the banal suddenly becoming lethally dangerous.
I didn't bother watching Joker.

It was just another lecture, this one delivered in a high-pitched scream.


Joker was not afflicted with a real mental condition.

The movie was not made for me.
Trump enjoys the fact that some people get him.

His success depends on most people totally misreading him.

But if you research him, you immediately see that the Trump who people dislike is a man who doesn't even exist.

Trump is Operation Bodyguard made flesh.
Bodyguard was the strategic deception the Allies used to fool the Germans into thinking we were going to invade at Calais instead of Normandy.

Calais is at the top, and Normandy is at the bottom.
The work put into carrying out the successful deception is almost impossible to grasp.

Fake armies, fake radio traffic, fake coded messages, fake noises of tanks and marching soldiers broadcast into the countryside, a fake commander (Patton), and fake spies.
All Trump has to do is...tweet.

The end result is the same.

He has the power to cloud men's (and women's) minds.

I've never seen anything like it, and I'm a history major.

My only explanation is that this is actually Armageddon.

Or Stephen King's The Stand.
After Trump's reelection, the changes he makes will be too radical to ever reverse.

And his enemies know that.

Even people who AREN'T his enemies know that.

So they're afraid.

Afraid of the unknown.
I'm not religious, but I'm a theist.

I believe in God.

Minnie Louise Haskins has good advice in her poem "The Gate of the Year."
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”
So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.
And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.

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