Remember that time I went on a break? Mentally, I had nothing left to give. I had stopped reading, working out and I had stopped waking up daily asking how I can be better.

So the DANG platform became a routine rather than a passion that it had always been.
I didn’t know this then, because no one told me but the platform was suffering and the vibe had changed. Truth is I wasn’t paying much attention anyway, even contents weren’t being vetoed by me. (This never ever happens)

So one day, I felt like I needed something,
I didn’t know what it was so I just opened my notebook to read my past scribbles. As I flipped through,I realised I hadn’t done my self-evaluation exercise in 18 days! This was something I did every day before going to bed.

”When or why did I stop? Has it really been that long?”
Not only did I have nothing to give the DANG platform, but I had also ignored my own self-growth.

Then I came on the page and read posts after posts like an outsider and felt a sinking feeling inside me. I had neglected everything and I didn’t even know it.

my immediate reaction would be to find a solution but I knew the only solution was to stop.

And so, I did. For 10 days.

Here’s the main reason for telling you this: after I came back from the break and my vibe/ the vibe of the platform visibly changed,
I started getting messages from followers, telling me how they knew something was off but couldn’t place it, all of them say they can see a change and they’re glad I’m back to the old me. My friend (who loves me dearly) noticed too but didn’t say anything,
because she didn’t want to sound like she was being too critical.

Let’s be clear, at the time of the mental drain, NO ONE complained or constructively criticised me -in public or private.

Here’s the lesson: Your life is in your HANDS.
People are dealing with their own stuff so much so they may not have time to check up on you even if they notice something’s off. Many may wait around for you to figure it out because “you’re strong and self-aware.”

Your past habits will save you in future.
Me writing down or dropping a voice memo about how I faired daily and how I can do better, saved me when I was unconsciously looking for something to fall back on.

I hope this encourages someone to start developing a habit of self-evaluation, and self-awareness.
When the hurricane called life happens and those who make up your pillars are fighting to save themselves, this foundation will keep you standing even when you shake.

You can follow @diaryofa9jagirl.
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