Today on the alt right: we’re going to make up someone who is a “typical leftist”, have them say something obscenely stupid then totally own their ass with our flawless logic.

Stay tuned tomorrow for more!
Tomorrow on the alt right: “facts don’t care about your feelings” proceeds to become outraged when faced with any actual facts.
Next day on the alt right: we’re gonna show you how to misrepresent data to suit your intended outcomes.
Next day on the alt right: Bootlicking 101: why the heel is the tastiest.
Next day on the alt right: aren’t fossil fuels delicious! They’re even better than sex & there is no alternative!

*Pls don’t call me out for practically being a virgin, also pls don’t look through my mail or you’ll see all those cheques from the Koch brothers (brother lol)
Next day on the alt right: “trans women aren’t real women” proceeds to accidentally call a trans woman “she” and then have to correct himself.
Next day on the alt right: Hitler was a socialist & the Nazis wanted “chaos”. 7/13
Next day on the alt right:
“Climate change isn’t real”
“Okay maybe it’s a little bit real but it’s WAY over stated”
“Okay MAYBE it adversely affects people but they should just sell their houses and move”
Next day on the alt right: look, all I’m saying is that there are certain groups of people who are predisposed to crime. And by “poverty” I think you mean “INDIVIDUAL MORAL FAILING”
Next day on the alt right: Judeo-Christian culture is suffering because of those damn immigrants and we’re losing our power!! (Never mind that white Christian males have the vast majority of power and wealth)
Next day on the alt right: anyone who disagrees with me is a “cultural Marxist”. I DEMAND unlimited free speech but only the kind I like and I don’t want any consequences for it.
Next day on the alt right: we’re gonna be weirdly obsessed with what other people do with their own bodies!
Next day on the alt right: someone else having rights instantly erodes my own rights. Fact.
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