A quick look at this blog post referencing USA’s ( #DVLEAP, #DV_LEAP) #JoanMeierJD is geared for a UK audience & #familyLaw context.

Meier & her #DVcartel friends #SeeMyBlog must get > Internat’l positive PR as word of their SILENCE (=condoning) #AFCC & #HMRF is SLOWLY exposed. https://twitter.com/sammy_lianne/status/1283516176073666561
From the same. FYI I am also a mother who experienced the same; our case just started a few years earlier. Also survivor of Jesus-justified (sic) wife battering.

The USA system of taxation tax-exempt #501c3s (advocacy orgs) bonding at the hip w: federal $$$$ must be understood!
More screenshots from ResearchingReform. I’m interested to see how blogger deals with the #CAFCASS_AFCC_NCJFCJ & #NuffieldFndtn infrastructure.

I’ve blogged since 2009 & those running this blog could stand to see what I’ve been putting out without being quoted in media, ever.
Sometimes the best (temporary) defense to being complicit in a coverup (involving #AFCC the org, its known agenda, & its members) is playing “I DNK!”

Well, now you do. Deal with it, please: Wanna quote US #DVexperts? Then know whom you’ve aligned with!!
See this thread, I’ve tweeted about 2yrs ago ...

(Link to #AFCC screenshots in prior tweet)
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