scorpio, cancer, pisces ✉️🦋

you are on your own path. it’s easy to watch the world spinning and moving around you and feel like yours isn’t coming. but everything is coming. the things you see coming for others.. the relations... you’ll have yours too. patience and time.
you’ve been trying to navigate the maze. you’ve been climbing stairs for what seems like a long time & it feels like you’re just waiting for the reward. you’re waiting for the break, the blessing, the opportunity. it seems like everytime you reach a new level, there’s more work
sometimes things feel long and hopeless. other times you feel heightened and ready for the world. “when are these things coming to me.” you’re watching this train fly by and you’re not on it. that’s because you have a journey of your own. the old ways and habits are leaving you.
that can be hard, but remember yourself & your destiny. remember that the material things aren’t everything. your true peace comes when your mind is fixated on things outside of material situations, relations and whatever else. right when you forget about it, it’ll come to you
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