In this thread I will be discussing a potential and documented money trail thru which Trump may directly be profiting off the PPE shortage. This is alarming as Trump can control the market conditions thru the federal government. I believe he is spreading the pandemic on purpose.
Trump has the ability to control and increase demand for PPE through an exacerbation of the virus and a non- or sabotaging response to containing it. Doing so would increase hospitalizations and reinforce the need for PPE. To anyone with eyes this lack of response is obvious.
He can also restrict the supply of PPE. This is documented. From turning down a patriotic N95 mask manufacturer early in the pandemic, to shipping valuable PPE to Russia and China, to seizures to PPE across the country. We now still face a PPE shortage
Even congress has acknowledged these shortages. think about what this means for PPE prices. Lesson 1 in Economics: High Demand and Low Supply leads to a high market price. Trump is in a unique position to influence both and appears to have done so
Now, there are many PPE companies that seemingly have ties to the GOP and Trump. Some being investigated. But all would benefit undoubtedly from these market conditions. The đŸ’” trail back to Trump in the form of kickbacks for these companies has been well hidden so far.
For more info on this please see this video by @QuarantinedLif1
However, today I will be discussing a new company: Uline. The company is typically described as a packing supply company. However, it appears, as of late they have gotten into the PPE game. Here is a screenshot from their website showing a range of valuable 3M respirators:
It even seems as though they were reputable enough to collaborate with UPS on the ‘the logistics and transportation of supplies for drive-through test centers’ The role of FEMA and the federal government is unclear but I would assume involvement.

press release dated March 30th:
Uline’s role in the PPE market is now undeniable. Lets meet the owners of Uline now. Liz and Dick Uihlein. They are a pair of GOP mega donors who’ve backed very controversial candidates including mall frequenter Judge Roy Moore.
Liz appears to be in charge of operations and participated in Trump’s call. However, you may have actually heard of her already as she was pushing for an end to Wisconsin’s stay at home order as the rest of us were locked down. See screenshot:
Many thought of Liz as a greedy executive forcing her workers to go back to work as she was nestled safe in her mansion. But given her ties to the PPE market, she as well had an incentive to get folks sick and hospitalized. Ending a stay at home order would do just that.
Now here is the kicker. In the month of March where Trump had his call with Liz and where UPS announced their COVID collaboration with Uline. Liz and Dick made a whopping $750,000 set of contributions to Trumps main super pac, America First Action.
Contribution 1:
Number 2
And number 3 made by hubby
To me this looks like a pay to play scheme and I expect more of these donations from the Uline couple. Trump has created amazing market conditions for them and will likely continue to do so by keeping the pandemic RAGING throughout the company.
The Ulines are getting rich. They are paying Trump back. He is getting richer and the rest of us are getting poorer and sicker. I am an average guy but was able to piece this together. I hope those with more resources than me will expose similar cases which are likely out there
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