hey again, i wanted this to end but some people are unwilling to let drama die. i have admitted to saying the n word, and my disgusting “humor”. -
i have made very bad mistakes in the past, even up to recently. i also will admit that i did befriend one of lilly’s abusers, kornel, who is 19. the 18 year old i am unaware of right now. kornel is an awful person.. and it is my fault for getting back into -
contact with him. i have since then cut him off, and everybody else who has done lilly harm. i regret even trying to give them a good name in my head. now with the lying about my age, yes i did lie about my age. i said i was 18, but in reality i am a minor. me lying was -
- incredibly selfish and it put someone i had cared for in danger. it is one of my biggest regrets, and putting someone in harms way was NEVER my intention. i have changed, and my mistakes should not be compared to lilly’s. i am very hesitant about making this thread, so -
- if anyone needs more information or explanation, please dm me and i will explain.
ps : lilly remains in close contact with one of her abusers, merik/grif
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