My brother has had a rough couple days. His fever is back up & his nausea is getting severe. I'm worried that he is dehydrated & may need IV fluids. His breathing is ok-ish. Oxygen levels are still usually in the safe range. His dr has given him an inhaler and nausea meds.
I am a bit astounded by the fact that 5 months into a pandemic, someone who has tested positive and is symptomatic is essentially on their own. Little to no guidance on what to do, no "if you check these boxes, call or go to the ER", no standard of care. And someone who
lives by themselves is really screwed. At least my brother lives in the city & has some delivery options available. But even at that, he needed meds picked up & the pharmacy doesn't deliver. He couldn't go, obviously. Covid patients shouldn't be on their own, ffs.

He had to ask a friend to go for him because we live too far to run errands for him.

I'm so scared for him. And I know the drs really don't have answers but it's so frustrating. All we can do is be educated about covid and help him make decisions from afar.

I'd like to conclude by saying a heartfelt "FUCK YOU" to Donald J Trump. May you rot in Hell for what you are doing to this country. It didn't have to be this way but it is because you are a narcissistic sociopathic ignorant clown.

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