a reminder that aquarius’ detachment isn’t some quirky personality trait but a survival technique developed in response to constant neglect and abandonment from their caretakers ok bye
aquarians were rejected and ignored. the whole “i don’t like people” thing is just a counterattack method to avoid being abandoned/rejected again by people they grow close to. can’t get left if there’s never anybody around to leave lol
aquarius was the kid that nobody sat next to at lunch, that was the last to be picked for a team in P.E., that was the last to be partnered up for group projects, that played alone at recess... solitude and isolation become coping mechanisms not by choice, but by force.
deep down, aquarius actually does want to be accepted and embraced and celebrated, but almost all relationships with others tend to emphasize each of the ways in which they are separate from everyone else. some aquarian’s will surrender to this reality and stay on the outskirts
of society, further isolating themselves. some might escape from/ignore it and entertain many meaningless connections that lack depth, never addressing their true feelings about being rejected or abandoned because they “have a lot of friends”. and others will counterattack by
being overtly contrarian, aggressively pushing people away by refusing to attempt to form connections and meaningful relationships with others, all to avoid being rejected/abandoned.
nobody listened to aquarius sun’s ideas. nobody saw aquarius rising at ALL. nobody nurtured aquarius moon. nobody validated aquarius mercury when they spoke. nobody made aquarius venus feel valued. nobody cared about aquarius mars’ goals. nobody believed in aquarius jupiter.
nobody guided aquarius saturn...

in conclusion, i’ll see y’all (us) in therapy 💀
i want to end this thread on a positive note lol aquarius is cool af, smart af and imaginative af and everyone needs one in their life. the people who rejected you didn’t understand you... they also probably didn’t deserve u, but there ARE people out there who will love+accept u.
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