#America - we need to adjust 2 things about #Racism. We all need to do this.

A "racist" should be able to outgrow the label if they *EARN & OWN* outgrowing it. "hey, I was wrong. I admit it. I have worked to change. Please support my growth."

black bigotry exists.
thanks, @WajahatAli

Black people have suffered "forever" - 4 centuries. When we don't acknowledge that, it hurts. Defensive feelings happen.

Seeing #NickCannon go down for bigotry is not something Black people are used to.

Some Black folks on twitter are mad. OK...
But NickCannon went down for rules I like (as a Mexican American) and Jews like and Black people like.

So, yeah, if he was your hero, it is hard. Yep. But C'est la vie.

I know older Mexicans who privately speak poorly of "Los Negritos". I feel like vomiting for being quiet🤮
But here's the thing:

Let's allow Nick Cannon to earn it back. Nick - you have to own it. Don't be defensive. Say we all have to grow, and you're doing your part to grow & learn & change.

After all, is this guy a racist?
He used to be a skinhead.
He used to preach violence against minorities
He used to be violent
He used to

Then he received compassion.

& he changed.

& he owned it. & continues to.

& he teaches love & compassion.

So, I ask you, #America, is he racist now?
(HINT: NO he is not)
Every Saint has a past & every Sinner a future.

So let's learn two things, America:

Minorities can be bigoted.

Bigots can earn redemption from the racist label by OWNING their behavior & saying it was wrong.

End of THREAD.
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